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Procurement Evolved: The procurement transformation journey

How to evolve your procurement operating model to become a strategic value creator


In recent years, procurement teams have faced a stream of changes, challenges, and disruptive events. What procurement teams are experiencing today isn’t just a short-term blip – it’s the new normal.

Procurement transformation is not a static goal – it’s an ongoing journey. Moving from a transactional to a strategic procurement approach can help organisations tackle many of today's biggest and most persistent challenges. By embracing changing processes and mindsets, leaders can empower their teams to thrive in these new conditions and drive organisational success.

Five interrelated components are needed to help your team to navigate through transformation and become the top value creator in the modern business

  • Define your new procurement strategy clearly
  • Embed intelligence and analytics
  • Foster agility and innovation
  • Evolve your talent strategy
  • Digitally enable and empower everyone

This whitepaper, the third edition of WNS Procurement’s Procurement Evolved series, explores best practice on how to build a resilient, ethical, and value-centric procurement organisation for the future, starting today.

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